Designing culture-changing artwork is fun. There’s nothing more gratifying than seeing your packaging come to life and impact the world around you. When it comes to our custom tubes, the sky's the limit, within our tolerances that is.
Even though we can do anything, there are certainly some limitations to keep in mind. Let’s start off with some rules that will help you build a solid foundation for your artwork.
Minimum recommended text size for printing (6 pt)
Minimum recommended line thickness for printing (0.25 pt)
Minimum recommended text size for foil stamping (8 pt)
Minimum recommended line thickness for foil stamping (0.75 pt)
Registration of multiple customization types on top of each other (+/- 1mm)
CMYK colors printed on digital presses during prototyping may appear different from the same CMYK colors printed on offset presses during mass production. To ensure color accuracy, it's always best to provide us with a physical sample of what you're trying to match (product labels, POP displays). We'll do our best to match your color targets, however there may be some differences based on variability in substrate and printing process.
Same Pantone colors may appear differently on different substrates. Check the Pantone website for Coated, Uncoated, and Metallic color guides.
There is an acceptable tolerance for color matching. We strive to be as precise as possible, but substrate, finish, and lighting conditions may have an impact on color perception. For example, soft touch lamination impacts final color perception, even if Pantone colors are accurately printed on the paper before it's laminated.
While we can print opacities, it’s hard to predict what the resulting color/shade will look like. If at all possible, set up your artwork to print at 100% opacity.
Artwork centered on the discs (+/- 1.5mm)
Top disc artwork alignment to the front (+/- 15°)
Artwork elements aligned across seams (+/- 1.5mm)
Rolled lip reduces diameter of the tube opening by about 6m
Cap fit may vary between slightly loose and slightly tight.