What happens when you take 2 parts whimsy and 1 part moxy, shaken and stirred with a dash of worldwide pandemic? A resilient brand ready for world domination and some serious fun, of course.photo by: @hipstirs
Founded in 2020, HipStirs came to be in Austin, Texas, in the midst of worldwide COVID-related supply chain shortages while established businesses were pivoting wildly to survive. Founders Morgan Mattfeld & Cody Box knew the cheap bubble wrap packaging they relied on in the beginning to protect their glass syrup bottles wasn’t helping to elevate the brand experience for customers.
“It was embarrassing,” explains Morgan. “The project was so new and we needed to keep costs low at first. But we realized how important it was to invest in our product from top to bottom, literally.” Once they decided to work with Paper Tube Co., the choice was easy.photo by: @hipstirs
While working in hospitality and catering, Morgan and her team developed crowd-pleasing cocktail mixers made from fresh fruit purees and all-natural ingredients. When the pandemic hit and events became a thing of the past, they funneled their passion and bottled up their best recipes to provide craft cocktail subscription boxes and local delivery of handy cocktail kits, while coordinating virtual mixology classes in their hometown. Now HipStirs is solidly available to wholesale and direct consumer markets.
“We love that our Paper Tube Co. packaging aesthetic reflects the fun-loving nature of our team,” says Morgan. “We’re a bunch of goofballs and wanted a color palette that was light and airy with a clean and simple design. Our new packaging is a fun, trendy vessel to deliver fragile products to our customers safely.”
photo by: @hipstirs
With supply chain issues a constant thorn in their side, Morgan remains undeterred. “We rely on so many, from our farms to the bottle company, to every middle man in between, to make sure our business is successful,” she explains. “Sheri at Paper Tube Co. is a ROCKSTAR. She was so positive and invested completely in our team and our product. She helped us create a packaging experience that sets us apart.”
Morgan and the HipStirs team are excited about the future of their all-natural craft cocktail syrups. “We are ready to go far,” says Morgan. “We’re poised to be in bars, on bar carts, and most importantly in your bellies. We’re here to simplify the mixology experience so you don’t need a fully-stocked bar cart to mix a great cocktail.”
"We wanted the packaging to be more than just a container your syrup arrived in. We wanted the whole product to be part of an aesthetic that reflects the fun-loving, whimsical personalities of our team. We had such a positive experience working with Sheri and Paper Tube Co."
–Morgan Mattfeld, Operations Manager, HipStirs